Friday, September 7, 2007

"Don't worry, if we stick together, we will be safe."

Hey Everyone, since some person took the "" (By the posts on there. Besides the title is Red Eye Productions...what a dumbass. Since that happened, I pulled a Real Ghost Busters and made the site ""...So I win in that department.

I've officially decided that Boggy Creek will begin production during the Summer of 2008. Now, most of the original cast will be in college by that point, but I highly doubt that they will be too busy to just take a few days out of their summer to do something highly important. I'd like for everyone to reprise their roles from the original short film. In case anyone forgot or you're new to the Boggy Creek project here it is.

Matt Nelson - Mike

Preston Lee - Alex

Zach Higgins - Jason (Alright...I want someone else to do this. Last time it was WAY too hard)

Taylor Thompson - Karl

Ellen Eddlemen - Jaime

Polley Cooney - Linda

Rachel Hochstein - Sarah

M.C. Ingram - Keri

John Racek - Ray

John Howard - Officer Max Talbot

???????????? - Sheriff William Loomis

I'd also really like to shoot the second one shortly after because here is the cast I want for that movie.

Preston Lee - Alex

Polley Cooney - Linda

(Flashback Characters - Mike, Jason, Karl, Jaime, Sarah and Keri)

???????????????? - Sheriff William Loomis

???????????????? - Officer Darrin Loomis

John Racek - Ray

John Howard - Officer Max Talbot

Chris Yoli - Mark

Jen Coverick - Ashley

Shannon McCoy - Renee

Now, Boggy Creek II (Which is lacking a proper title) is going to take place 6 months after the first Fouke murders. As you know, Bigfoot isn't really causing the's a police officer who is sadistic out the mind. He discovers that he didn't kill all of the people he originally thought he did (He was aiming for 31...he got 29.)

More to come folks, so keep checking back.

1 comment:

THX-182 said...

Yeah boy! Off the chain!